January 18, 2025

Furukawa Electric Institute of Technology

Furukawa Electric Institute of Technology is the European research centre (44 employees) of Furukawa Electric Company (a Nikkei 225 company) with as tasks developing of materials, technologies, and manufacturing processes.


FETI cooperates with academic institutions to support its R&D activity, and several trainee students work in cooperation with universities. FETI has collaborations with several universities in Hungary and Europe
The Nanomaterials Science simulation group of FETI has experience in ab-initio (DFT, coupled cluster) and classical (ReaxFF) simulations, as well as simulations at the mesoscale and for continuum.

Research Team

The Nanomaterials Science group (6 researchers) focuses on the bridging of European nanoscience and industrial application and is involved in research ranging from academic interests to industrial projects. The group will host ESR5.


FETI has computer infrastructure and software for state-of-the-art quantum chemical computations, which it uses for simulation-based R&D. FETI has the industrial license for the newest Q-Chem software and its GPU version, as well as professional experience in the application of several open-source software (Quantum Espresso, CP2K). FETI also develops its own computational tools. For the experimental work, FETI builds a nano-laboratory including a custom-design thermal reaction chamber with in-situ quadrupole mass spectrometer for the investigation of gas phase reaction products.
